

Faith Kids

“Children are the legacy and heritage of the church; now and in the future.” -Melissa Turner 

Our Scriptures for Faith Kids

• Deuteronomy 11:19: “Teaching your children to know Gods Word…”

• Proverbs 22:6: “Train a child in the way they should go…”

• Matthew 19:14: “Let the little children come to me…”


“The children’s ministry at Faith Fellowship will provide an atmosphere that connects the children’s community to be engulfed in unconditional love that creates a place for our children to explore God’s Word with a G.L.U.E. like fashion. Our goal is to allow children to Grow while receiving Love, learning Unity, and Equipping them at during their early developmental years. We will do this by teaching the Word on their level; modeling biblical behavior they can grasp; and supporting the family unit here at Faith Kids. We believe that children are the future and look forward to loving, serving, and teaching your child so they can have a firm Biblical foundation starting in the early years; that will last a lifetime!” 

Faith Student Ministries

Faith Students is a place where our desire is to show kids to love people right where they are at by showing them the love of Jesus to change the world. - Pastor Eddie Adu-Poku

Faith Students meet on Wednesdays 6-7pm

Small Groups

Currently we have several small groups throughout various ages.

  • Weekly Bible Study -Wednesday nights 6-7pm
  • Women of Worth - This is a place for ladies to let their hair down and be real about struggles, concerns, and life in general as they look to their hope in community and Jesus. - Last Saturday of every month 6-7:30pm
  • Men of Faith - This is a time where men truly let iron sharpen iron - Last Saturday of every month 6-7:30pm

We are always looking for new small groups to help individuals see hope in being unified together in our every day lives.

Joshua Cares Outreach Ministry

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus - Mark 12:31

Our heart is to love people right where they are at and seek to meet their needs. Joshua Cares does this every month through out partnerships with Second Harvest Food bank and ProjectMKC, we are able to feed the hungry and to help those with babies, and with our clothing bank to help those that need gently used items.

Joshua Cares is open the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month

If you wish to donate to either organization click the links below   and

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